In recent years, surveys have shown that well over 50% of American adults place at least one sports bet each year. And now that sports gambling has been legalized in many states, that number is expected to rise.

If you’re not betting on sports yet and want to do it, it’s never been easier to figure out how to find a bookie. There are lots of easy ways to go about doing it

Would you like to learn how to find a sports bookie? Here are some tips that should help you conduct a successful search for one.

Ask Your Friends for Suggestions

As we alluded to a moment ago, there are more than 100 million people betting on sports to some degree every year. This means that you probably have at least one or two people in your social circle who bet on sports.

If you do, touch base with them and let them know that you’re trying to figure out how to find a bookie. They might be able to point you in the right direction in no time. This is easily the best way to go about tracking down a bookie in a hurry.

Look on a Site Like Craigslist

Years ago, the idea of a bookie advertising their services on a site like Craigslist may have seemed preposterous. But since the gambling laws throughout the country have become pretty relaxed, more and more bookies are working up the courage to do it.

You should try to learn how to find a bookie on Craigslist. They aren’t always going to come right out and say what it is that they do, but they’ll sometimes put up somewhat cryptic posts that’ll let you know that they can serve as your bookie if you’d like.

Search for a Local Bookie Elsewhere Online

If you come up empty after trying the other two suggestions listed here, you might have to find somewhere else online to look for a bookie. You might have success searching for something simple like “how to find a bookie in my area.”

And if that doesn’t work, it could be an indication that there aren’t enough bookies in your area. You might want to think about trying to become a bookie yourself! It’ll show you that there is clearly a spot for a new bookie in your city or town.

Learn How to Find a Bookie and Start Placing Sports Bets

Finding a local bookie can be easier said than done in some cases. But as long as you follow the tips listed here, you should be able to find some leads.

Once you do, you won’t have to worry about figuring out how to find a bookie anymore. You can settle in and start placing your sports bets through the bookie that you find.

Would you like to read some more informative articles on sports betting before you begin wagering on sports? You can find them by browsing around on our blog.