Do you need to rent a dumpster right now? If you do, you might be wondering what it’s going to cost you to get your hands on one.

You’ll be happy to know that there are some dumpster prices that are as low as just $100 on average. But the dumpster cost might also be almost $1,000 in some instances.

Prior to renting a dumpster, you should learn about the different factors that will have an impact on the price you’ll pay for one. It’ll help you rent a dumpster without spending a small fortune.

Find out about a few of the factors that will affect your dumpster cost below.


When you’re in the market for a dumpster, you should start your search for one by Googling “dumpster rental near me.” It’ll shed some light on which local companies you can trust to supply you with a dumpster.

It’ll also shed some light on how much money a dumpster might cost you. The more dumpster rental companies there are in your area, the less you’ll have to pay for a dumpster since they’ll all be competing against one another for your business.

Your location could end up being the key factor when it comes to your dumpster cost.


Dumpsters come in a wide range of sizes. You can get everything from a very small dumpster that you can use for a bathroom renovation job to a very large dumpster that you can use for a whole-house renovation or even a commercial project.

It’s going to be up to you to decide about how big you’ll need your dumpster to be. It’ll allow you to track down a dumpster that is the right size. It’ll also make it easier for you to estimate what the cost to rent a dumpster will be.


Do you need to rent a dumpster for just a couple of days? Or are you going to need to hang onto a dumpster for a few weeks before turning it back in?

The length of time that you’ll need to rent a dumpster will be yet another factor that’ll change the price you’ll pay for it. If you need to borrow a dumpster for a long time, it’s going to cost you more than if you only need to borrow it for a little while.

You should try to gauge how long you’ll need a dumpster so that you’re able to get more accurate dumpster prices when you call around to different dumpster rental companies.

Rent a Dumpster Today Without Breaking the Bank

Renting a dumpster is going to make your next home improvement project a breeze. But before you agree to rent a dumpster, you should always make sure you’re getting the best deal on it.

Keep the factors mentioned here in the back of your mind when renting a dumpster. It’ll guarantee that you score a great price on a dumpster rental in the end.

Find more dumpster rental tips and tricks by browsing through the other articles posted on our blog.